Our Ref: U.N/WBO/042SWISS/2013
With regards to your previous attempts to secure your funds. We have been having a meeting for the past 2 weeks which just ended few days ago with the secretary to the UNITED NATIONS in Malaysia here.
This message is to all the foreign contractors/Beneficiaries that may have not received their contract/inheritance sum, and people that have had an unfinished transaction or international businesses that failed due to Government problems etc from many part of the world,
The UNITED NATIONS in Affiliation with WORLD BANK have agreed to compensate them with the sum of USD3.2million each person, and We found your name in the list of those who are to benefit from these compensation exercise and that is why we are contacting you this day, this have been agreed upon and have been signed.
You are advised to contact Diplomat Nicholas Roy of our paying center in Malaysia, as he is our representative .contact him immediately for payment of your funds without any hitch.
Due to the awful official banking process and procedures including much SCAM act and some impostors in Africans with their offshore payment center in London etc made us to suspend this payment to be made by any other means than wire transfer method as initially carried out by some banks in other countries.
so you should contact Diplomat Nicholas Roy immediately with bellow information to enable him commence the payment procedures on your name
Contact Details:
Name: Diplomat Nicholas Roy
Email: nicholas.roy@diplomats.com
Telephone: +60129159267
Your Full Name:==============
Sex, Age:==================
Tel/Fax number ==============
Correct mailing address=========
Mr. Ban-ki Moon