I want to inform you that we are acknowledge the receipt of your mail, you are advise to be guided properly to complete this transaction.
Be informed that we do have a new development concerning your transfer which has been redirected to a legal firm and a financial consultant.
This development occurred by a report by our international department concerning the method your payment of $4million United states dollars, the procedure was handled which is purely unusual pattern which gave avenue for a lot of fallacy and all bogus promises from the origin of the fund which may affect the international Bank reputation.
Your urgent contact to this firm will be highly in your favor being that all the funds and your payment file has been recalled by the order of the Global Investigation Department and Financial Crimes Enforcement Network Services under United States Treasury for further investigation and final release through our international Bank that has been approved mainly for this payment.
You are required to reconfirm this your personal information because of misconception:
1. Full Name:
2. Address:
3. Nationality:_____Sex______
4. Age:____________Date of Birth:________
5. Occupation:__________________________
6. Phone:_______Fax:_____________________
7. State of Origin:_______Country:_______
8. Copy of int'l passport or any scanned identity to prove yourself.
Be warned not to contact any other office accept any mentioned office given to you to contact for security reasons, every subsequent emails received concerning this transaction will be forwarded to us for verification and advise nor matter the authority it comes from for security reasons.
As soon as we hear from you the transfer payment will commerce into your account immediately through the financial consultant Mike Anderson & Associates, We wait for your confirmation before carrying on the needful.
Yours cooperation
clement smith