From: "(OFAC) U.S Treasury Department" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2013 12:18:31 -0400
Subject: Re: Authority for a change of Beneficiary and receiving account..
U.S Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control
(OFAC) U.S Treasury Department's
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20220
Security Operation Code: (FDMO / IDMO / 793XXCL / 13)
FINAL PAYMENT NOTICE OF USD1.2M (One Million, Two Hundred Thousand United States Dollars)
A circular/Query was sent from the Treasury Section this morning to enable my office confirm that you issued a letter of Authority for a change of Beneficiary and receiving account from your Name/Account to Mr. Paul Bowen from Luxembourg.
The circular stated that one Mr. Paul Bowen came to the Treasury Department claiming to be from your sister company in Luxembourg with a letter of Authority purported to have been written by you that the total Inheritance sum should be transferred into your sister Company Account in Luxembourg and that they are ready to pay the outstanding fee of US$1,550.00 (One thousand, five hundred and fifty United States Dollars ) meant for the procurement of the insurance policy certificate)obtainable from the legal department in order to receive the fund. I will want you to confirm the following issues:
1. Do you have a sister company in Luxembourg?
2. Did you give anybody a power of attorney to receive your Inheritance payment entitlement on your behalf?
3. Should we authorize the Treasury Department to acknowledge and validate the purported authority to change Beneficiary and deal solely with Mr. Paul Bowen on matters concerning your claims/payment?
Please note that you have between seven (7) working days from the date of this letter to attend and clarify the issue raised above or this office will conclude that all the issues raised are correct and subsequently confirm to the Treasury Department to deal with Mr. Paul Bowen. In the light of the above, this office shall not welcome any petition or Blames that your fund was wrongly paid/transferred to someone else if you do not respond to this letter.
It is our tradition to first confirm the original beneficiary before any Reconfirmation can be given to the Treasury Department: Prior to the issue raised above, I am disappointed in you. After the effort and time you went as far as authorizing your sister Company to receive the same Inheritance payment on your behalf without my consent. Based on this your payment with instructions from the Treasury Department had been stopped automatically unless you clear this issue raised above by convincing my humble self and the Treasury Department that you never authorize Mr. Paul Bowen to redeem claims on your behalf. This must be supported with an Affidavit of claims/Declaration denouncing such claims by Mr. Paul Bowen. Without such a Declaration; no payment shall be paid to you. This Declaration must be sworn through the High Court of Justice.
Finally, all embargoes on the fund are lifted as we have at this point confirmed that the funds are from a genuine source as bank of England / Federal Reserve have accepted them without problems as demanded by the European Union to have these funds in circulation.
Reconfirm the following information
1. Your Full names:
2. Your Telephone and fax numbers:
3. Your Contact address:
4. Occupation:
Department's Officer: Henry Taylor
Tel- 315 307 7507