From: Office Paymentflie <>
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2013 18:13:21 +0100 (BST)
Subject: Good Day My Good Friend,Here is the ( MTCN: 0732627772 )
Welcome to Western Union .
Good Day My Dear,Friend:
The Board of federal ministry of finance Benin Republic. are here to notify you of your payment inherited funds of $2.5MILLION dollars .after the meeting held on 20th of April 2013 His Excellence the PRESIDENT OF FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF BENIN DR YAYI BONI.
has Instructed this Department to send your funds through western union money transfer for easier receive of your inherited funds without any further delay. to avoid paying money to the fraud stars that is going on through the global.
You are required to send your name and address were you want your fund to be send through western union the maximum amount you will be receiving each day starting from tomorrow is the sum of $6,000.00.also your are required to send the sum of $105.00 dollar for Re-mewing and reconfirming file that was
deposited in this office with your name and address bellow.
1.FULL NAME..............
2.HOME ADDRESS..........
Be away that as soon as the required fee of $105.00 is send today for the renewing and reconfirming the payment file of your funds you will start receiving your funds as from tomorrow.
Please Track this inform online to confirm that YOUR MTCN is available for
Sender name: ALIHOU HOUNSA.
The is this MTCN: 0732627772
Text Question...How long,
Amount $5,000,
it's available for pick up by you, but you can not pick $5,000 payment until you send the needed fee which i be ask you every day to send to enable us start to send your full payment to you as well. So if you are not interested to send the fee and start to pick up your payment then, you better email me back as soon as you receive this mail so that I will contact the office to return all your transfer papers back to the western union customer care to avoid anymore problem.I need to hearing from you as soon as possible.
Think what you can do right now.
Mr. Samson Philip.