From: Richard PACOME <>
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2013 09:35:59 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Dear Friend,
Dear Friend,
I am writing to ask for your kind assistance to enable me execute a very lucrative and high profiting supply business with you. It is with great pleasure to share this business opportunity with you.I am very confident that with trust and understanding, we will execute this business to our mutual benefit and believe that you will not let down the trust and confidence I am willing to repose in you.
I worked for an Agricultural Firm as the Corporate Affairs Manager. Between the 17th - 19th of Feb., 2011 a seminar was held in Bouake, Cote d'ivoire of which I attended. While in the Seminar, I was opportuned to meet the President of Abdul Al-Gareeb Group(WA)Ltd, Alhaji Mahmoud Abdul Al-Ghareeb. Alhaji Mahmoud Abdul Al-Ghareeb is an accomplished and widely known millionaire farmer in this part of the region. He has farms in different countries of West Africa. But above all, he is one of the greatest supplier of cattles, beef and other diary products in this part of the West Coast. On knowing my profession, He took me into confidence by informing me about the purchase of a particular but very rare medicine for his cattles.
He informed me that he buys this product at $5,000.00USD per carton, and that he mostly buys to the excess of 1000 cartons. He also informed me that he was only asking me to find out if my organisation could source for him a cheaper supplier considering the recent trend of falls in the general price of beef in the world market which is affecting his business.
Back in my office, I discussed this proposal with my boss and he decided to handle the supply by himself. We carried out a market research and discovered that we could purchase these medicine somewhere cheaper in Europe for $2,300.00 USD per carton. We moved proposal to Abdul Al-Gareeb Group(WA)Ltd to make the supply to them at $4,800.00 USD per carton of which he accepted.
Owing to my role in the transaction, I had an agreement with my Boss to be receiving 30% of whatever gain is made on each supply of which he agreed. But on the completion of the supply and the receipt of the payment, my boss renegaded on our agreement and refused to give me my share of the profit. Since then our relationship has been at its low ebb. I have since accepted it as one of life experiences.
However as fate may have it, I intercepted a recent letter of request from Alhaji Mahmoud Abdul Al-Ghareeb asking my boss to supply him with 1250 cartons of the same product as soon as possible. I seized the letter And personally contacted him and informed them that I can introduce them to the producer who is ready to supply them the product at $4,200.00 USD. If he will pay in advance as he usually does. He was very pleased and is right now waiting to be contacted by my partner.
We will buy the medicine at $2,300.00 USD from Europe and sell at $4,200.00 to Abdul Al-Gareeb Group(WA)Ltd with him first paying 70% of our quoted price as mobilisation. I will be entitled to 30% of whatever profit we make after the deduction of all expenses.
If you are interested and capable of handling this supply with me, kindly get back to me urgently so that I can furnish you with more details and the contacts of the manufacturing company in Europe and that of Abdul Al-Gareeb Group(WA)Ltd Kindly be notified that at no point in time should you let Abdul Al-Gareeb Group(WA)Ltd to know that you are not the producer of the medicine and we should never allow them to know the contact of our real source in Europe so that they would'nt boypass us to deal directly with them.
I will very much appreciate you include your telephone number, so that i can call you for more detailed discussion on our next step. Anticipating to hear from you soonest.
Sincerely Yours
Richard PACOME