From: HENRION Sylvestrone <>
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2013 07:10:19 -0800
Subject: I will want you to help me in this God project
My Dear,
My name is HENRION Sylvestrone,I got your contact through one of my
Doctor who advice me to contact you as a sincere one to assist me for
this disbusement. I have been diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer which
was discovered very late, due to my laxity in carrying for my health.
It has defiled all forms of medicine, and right now I have only about
a few months to live, according to medical experts.
Now that my health has deteriorated so badly, I cannot do this myself
any more. I once asked my lawyer and members of my family to close my
accounts and distribute the money which I have there to charity
organization and to the less privileged in Bulgaria and Pakistan; they
refused and kept the money to themselves. Hence, I do not trust them
anymore, as they seem not to be contended with what I have left for
The last of my money which no one knows of it, is the huge cash
deposit of Ten Million and Five Hundred Thousand Dollars (USD10.5m)
that I have with a Security Company in United Arab Emirates for safe
keeping. I will want you to help me collect this deposit and disburse
it to some charity organizations and to the less privileged.
Please send me a mail to indicate if you will assist me in this
disbursement, to enable me forward to you the entire document which
will back you up to claim the funds on my behalf. I have set aside 10%
for you for your time and patience.
Please reply to this E-mail address at:
Remain blessed.
Mr. HENRION Sylvestrone