From: "scott" <>
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2013 09:54:40 -0500
The Board of Federal Ministry of FinanceBenin Republic.Are hereby to notify you of your payment inherited fundsof $5.800,000,00,after the meeting was held on 15th of FEB 2013.His Exelence the PRESIDENT OF FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF BENIN DR YAYI BONI.has Instructed this Department to send your funds through western union money transfer and money gram for easier receive of your inherited fundswithout any further delay to avoid paying the money to the fraud stars that is going on through the global.
You are required to send your name and address were you want your fund to be send through westernunion, the maximum amount you will be receiving each day starting from tomorrow is the sum of $10,000.00. from western union, $5000.00 from money gram also your are required to send to us the sum of $105 dollar immediately for newing and reconfirming your file that was deposited in our office with your name and address bellow .
Beneficiary name=======Address===============Tel phone==============Your country===========Your Age==============Your Occupation========
Contact Mr Williams Benz with this information below.
EMAIL: ( ) Forward the information immediately you made the payment today.
Bellow is the information you will use to send this $105 today for newing and reconfirming of your file.
Receiver's name.....MR SAM CHIKA
Country........Benin Republic
CITY.......... COTONOU
Text Question.......What For
Text Answer.......For Good
Sender's Name............
Note; This is the only fee you will pay until you receive your total fund of $5.800,000,00.
Assoon as the required fee of $105 is send today for the renewing and reconfirming the payment file of your funds, you will start receiving your funds immediately.
We await to receive the western union payment information today.
Yours in service
Mr Don Warker
Financial Minister
Federal republic of Benin