From: "Ahmed Tanko" <>
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2013 10:26:19 +0100
Debt Payment & Reconciliation Committee
Re;Your Pending/Outstanding Contract/Inheritance Payment.
I wish to inform you that your payment is being processed and will be
released to you as soon as you respond to this letter. Also note that from
my record in my file your outstanding contract payment is due for
immediate release.
This office wish to inform you that after several meetings in the States
House and office of the presidency at Abuja today, the President Goodluck
Jonathan address to the nation inaugurated my office presidential task
force To direct all the contractors to HSBC Banking Corporation London
United Kingdom to re-validate, reconcile and pay all overdue outstanding
contract debt owed to foreign contractors from 1995 to 2012
This move became important as it stands as one of the basis with which
European, American, British and other financial Institution World wide can
write off debts.
However, we advise you to forward your banking information with this
transfer code: TT45X$XFMF-PED/2012 given to you for this payment to Mr
Kevin Cartlidge of the Custody and Clearing Department of HSBC Bank and
you are advised to provide the following information to enable him
conclude your payment
Required details include; Your Bank name, Account No, Bank Address,
Telephone and fax number.Re-Confirmation of your total amount expected
As soon as he receives all the requested information from you, he will
proceed with the transfer into your account. And also your private
telephone and fax number were he can easily contact you. All we need is
your corporation and follow up of the transaction.
NOTE: It is the interest of this office in particular and the Government
of Ghana and all west African Sub regions in general to ensure that all
contractors receive their contract payment. This office strongly warns you
to be guided accordingly, so that you don’t fall into the hands of
fraudsters who parade themselves as Government officials. You have been
warned before, be warned again.
Yours Faithfully,
Ahmed Tanko
Chiarman Presidential Task Force.