From: George Linda <>
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2013 16:55:19 +0800 (SGT)
Subject: From Miss Linda George.
Good day,
My name is Linda George; I am 23 years old, from Paris, France, I am the only daughter of my parents. I am living here in Abidjan the capital city of Cote D'Ivoire with my mother since I was 4 years before she passed away.
my mother told me that my father died when I was 3years.
I school and work as a fashion designer for part time job during after my school. I stop school in my 1st year in the University, because I don’t have assistance to continue and I take care of my mother Boutique as the manager before it was burnt to ashes during the political crises here in Abidjan March Last year 2011. During the political war here in Abidjan I was among the French citizen that our Embassy relocated to Ghana and I stayed in Ghana till the war ended. After the political war here I return back to Abidjan and see that my Boutique is damaged and burnt to ashes.
Before the death of my mother, she had willed our Real Estate and the total amount of 1,700,000.00 One Million Seven Hundred Thousand Euros) to me. Now at her death, and because things has become very hard for me paying my school fees and taking care of my other needs which the tailoring job I do as a part-time after my school couldn't help, so, I went to our Bank where this money was deposited.
I was shocked when the Bank Manager explained to me that I will not be able to with-draw from the deposited money, because my mother had put a clause on the Will, which she used in depositing the funds with them, saying that before I will be given access to the money, I will either have to be 30 years old or I will be given access to the money, if only i get married before the age of 30 or appoint a guardian, in which case, my husband or guardian will be legible to collect the money on my behalf by standing in as my late mothers next of kin to claim the deposited funds on my behalf.
Today I am only 23years old. And I have no access to the money till I'm 30 years. So, I’m contacting you to stand by me to claim this fund on my behalf even if you are married already, you can still help me by standing in as my late mother’s next of kin to the deposited funds. So, I hope that we shall discuss how you want remunerated when you get back to me.
Please remember I am writing you this email purely on the ground of trust. While this transaction last, we must be able to put emotions aside and face it, perhaps after everything, we might find a need for that if you are still single. Waiting to hear from you soon.
Yours Truly,
Miss. Linda George.