From: "UNDP" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2012 14:35:15 +0530
Subject: Sir/Madam
United Nations Development Programmed
Department Of The Humanitarian Affairs/Information Centre
MillBank Tower, 21st Floof, 21-24 MillBank
London SW1P 4QH, United Kingdom
Phone: +448719749961
United Nations Development Programmed is an International Financial Institution and a Specialized Agency of the United Nations whose mission is to enable poor rural people to overcome poverty. UNDP headquarters is in London, United kingdom, and its staff work with poor rural Individual people, their Governments, Communities and Organizations in more than 80 countries to develop and finance programmes and projects aimed at increasing rural productivity and incomes.
The Programme Management Department (PMD) is responsible for the overall lending programme of the Fund, and is composed of five regional divisions and a Policy and Technical Advisory Services Division. Within the Latin America, Caribbean Division and Asia Continent the Senior Rural Development Specialist works with staff to increase the comparative advantage of UNDP in the region by:
Providing timely and authoritative analytical and advisory capacity to staff in appropriate forms to enhance the quality, relevance and effectiveness of LAC's work and instruments (Country Strategic Opportunities Programmes [COSOPs], projects, grants, policy dialogue, knowledge management, South-South Cooperation, portfolio review and M&E). Developing and implementing strategies, systems and approaches to better integrate the different types of operations, allowing UNDP to enhance its value-addition capacity, its scale of operations, and its impact on poverty reduction in the region.
Therefore, the UNDP is welcoming grantee applications from around the globe to funding Individuals, Organizations, and Company and other related sections to reduce the poverty menace globally for which each application is allowed to receive funds not more than Ten Million Great British Pounds (10,000,000.00 Great British Pounds). So all interested Individual/Organizations/Company as mentioned above should kindly filling out the below form. Note: Your swift reply will enable us to proceed further with you, email your below details and duly sign Terms and Conditions below to aid transaction within 24hours.
1. Full Names
2. Full Contact Address
3. Marital Status
4. Occupation
5. Date of Birth
6. Contact Mobile Number
7. Scan Copy of Your Identity Card Approved by Government of Your Country.
(I) This Terms and Conditions Governing the Grant is for the specific project as approved by UNDP and shall be subject to the following conditions: (a) The grant amount shall be spent for the project within the specified time, (b) Any portion of the grant which is not ultimately required for expenditure for the approved purposes shall be duly surrendered to UNDP. The grantee institution shall maintain an audited record in the form of a register in the prescribed Performa for permanent, semi-permanent assets acquired solely or mainly out of UNDP grant. The assets will be property of UNDP and should not, without prior sanction of UNDP, be disposed off or encumbered or utilized for the purposes other than those for which the grant has been sanctioned. An undertaking shall be given by the grantee institution, which will be agreed upon to be governed by these conditions.
(2) The grantee institution shall send to the Department of Information of UNDP at the end of each project year as well as at the time of seeking further instalments of the grant a list of assets referred to in (1) above. Should at any time grantee institution cease to exist, such assets etc., shall revert to UNDP. The grantee institution shall render progress-cum-achievement reports at interval of not exceeding six months on the progress made on all aspects of the project including expenditure incurred on various approved items during the period. The grantee institution shall render an audited statement of accounts to UNDP. The audited statement of accounts relating to grants given during financial year together with the comments of the auditor regarding the observance of the conditions governing the grant should be forwarded to the Program Management Department (PMD) within six months following the end of the relevant financial year.
(3) The utilization of grant for the intended purposes will be looked into by the Auditor of grantee institution according to the directives issued by the UNDP or its nominee will have the right of access to the books and accounts of the grantee institution for which a reasonable prior notice would be given. The grantee institution should maintain separate audited account for the project. If it is found expedient to keep a part or whole of the grant in a bank account earning interest, the interest, thus earned should be reported to this Department. The interest so earned will be treated as a credit to the grantee to be adjusted towards future instalment of the grant.
(4) UNDP will have the right to call for drawings, specifications and other data necessary to enable the transfer of know-how to other parties and the grantee shall supply all the needed data at the request of UNDP. Application by grantee institution for any other financial assistance or receipt of Grant/Loan/Contract from our Agency/Department for this project should have the prior approval of UNDP Management. The Grantee institution is not allowed to entrust the implementation of this project for which grant-in-aid is received to another institution and to divert the grant-in-aid received from UNDP as assistance to the later institution. UNDP shall appoint a Project Review and Steering Group (PRSG) comprising of representatives from UNDP. PRSG will periodically monitor the project in all respects including technical and financial.
(5) The Grantee institution will first make all efforts to protect intellectual property generated out of the project. The Intellectual property and the rights associated with it shall be assigned to UNDP. In cases where the funding has been done jointly with other organizations, the IP rights would be appropriately shared. In case of any dispute on any matter, related to the project during the course of its implementation, the decision of Secretary, UNDP, shall be final and binding on the institute. Interested Individual/Organizations/Company will have to open a New Account with an Initial Deposit of One Thousand Great British Pounds (1,000.00 Great British Pounds) with the paying United Bank Limited London United Kingdom to process payment and effect transfer within 24hours.
By Individual/Organizations/Company Only.
Yours Faithfully,
Dr. Conklin Mayers.
Head Of Foreign/Local Operation.