Attention: Beneficiary
Due to the latest development we hard i found out that you have not received your over due payment due to lack of co-operation with this office also i want you to know that your over due funds $3,000,000.00usd is still under our custody for dispatch and ready for shipment to commence on delivery to your delivery address,
Also i want you to understand that at the moment, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Department have been complaining about the delay of your Funds consignment box $3,000,000.00usd they file up a Letter that is has spent more than the expected time and they are really planning to cancel your Funds consignment box $3,000,000.00usd,
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) demand to know if you are still interested to get your Funds consignment box, if you know you are not interested, that means you have to send me an OFFICIAL LETTER OF REFUSAL to proof that you legitimately forfeit your Funds consignment, but if you know that you are still interested to get your Funds consignment box $3,000,000.00usd, you would have to get back to me with the required details below so that there will be no wrong delivery.
Full Name:
Mobile Number:
As soon as your details has been confirmed the shipment will commence on delivery without no delay
I am here to do my legit job with you to ensure that your Funds consignment box $3,000,000.00usd, get to you without any problem or delay.
Best Regards,
Mr Kenneth Fennel