From: Global Consult <>
Reply-To: Global Consult <>
Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2012 05:59:57 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Urgent.....
How are you doing today? I am writing to inform you about my traveling
to United Kingdom, though it came to me as an emergency call because my
Nephew who live and work there is critically ill and he need family
support, he is suffering from kidney failure and need transplant to keep him alive. His condition is deteriorating and they need to operate him
fast as the doctor said.
I was wondering if you can help me with the sum of (2,750GBP) because i
have spent all the money i brought simply because i don't know his
situation is so critical and they need to operate him fast. So I'll
need the money fast so as to pay for his surgery and balance the
hospital bill and other medical items we bought for him. Please i would
be so much happy if you can just help me get the money at all means and i
promise to return it back to you immediately i get back to home because
i still have money in my Bank Account to pay you back without any
complain but i cant access my account here, Do have it sent via Money
Gram Tranfser to my name and the address below:
Name: Dein Frank
Address: London, SN5 5JY
United Kingdom.
Also get back to me with the necessary information after you've done with the transfer such as:
Sender Full Name And Address As You Wrote It on The Transfer form...............
Amount Sent...............
Money Transfer Control Number...........
And the Scan receipt of the transfer.
Please respond to this email as soon as you read it so that I will know
my faith and the next step to take because I don't want anything to
happen to my Nephew.
Once again, i promise to return the money back to you immediately i get
back home and I pray that Almighty God will help you too as you help me
to safe his life.
Awaiting your response,
With Best Regards.
Dein Frank.