Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2012 14:20:16 +0200
Subject: Urgent Information
Urgent Information We Apologize, for the delay of your payment and all the inconveniences that we might have indulge you through. However, we were having some minor problems with our payment system, which is inexplicable, and have held us stranded and indolent, not having the aspiration to devote our 100% assiduity in accrediting foreign payments. We apologize once again, from the records of outstanding winners due for payment with {ONLINE CYBER PROMOTION} your name and particular was discovered as next on the list of the outstanding winners who have not yet received their payments. I wish to inform you now that the square peg is now in square hole and can be voguish for your payment is being processed and will be released to you as soon as you respond to this letter. Also note that from the record in our file, your outstanding winning payment is US$2 million (Two Million U.S. Dollars). Be informed that Payment will be made to you via ATM CARD or wire transfer into a nominated bank account of your choice, as soon as you get in touch with the Debt Reconciliation agent below. ======================================= Mr. Kelvin Shore Manager Remittance Department Government Accredited Licensed Claim Agent. Information and Payment Bureau. Europe Representative Office in Nigeria. Tel: +234-7085372912 E-mail:- ======================================= Provide him with the following details, as this will enable him to process and release of your cash prize with out any delay. Your Full Name:.......................... Telephone or fax Numbers:................ Residential Address:..................... State and Country:........................ Occupation:.............................. Age:...................................... Your urgent reply to Mr. Kelvin Shore via e-mail will facilitate the release of your cash prize to you within 48hours. Yours Sincerely, Mrs. Selina Greenwood Online Cyber Promotion Information Department
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