Mr, Mark Kelvin
Good day,
My name is Mrs Elva Rose and I am the over rall Manager of the YOUNG DONATION FOR NEEDY (YDN) here in West Africa and we have representatives in countries like USA, UK, GORGIA, DUBAI, EGYPT. I am writing to you about our annual Christmas event here at the YOUNG DONATION FOR NEEDY (YDN) which we are currently planning for to make the orphans be more happy. Each year, we invite children from local orphanages to spend Christmas day here at our humble headquarters. On that day, about 500 children enjoy a Christmas that they would not have enjoyed if it were not for the generosity of people like you and some organization. The children play games, eat a well cooked dinner, get to sit on Santa's lap and enjoy the wonderful feeling of getting their own individually wrapped gift. This is indeed an event that makes all of us happy and proud to take part in every year.
As you can imagine, an event like this for 500 children costs quite a bit of money. Last year our budget for this event was $10,000 USD. so we are anticipating with the cost of inflation that we will need about $12, 000 for this year's annual Christmas event for local orphans.
We are asking for a contribution from you and you can also help in telling people and organizations who are interested to contribute, that will help us towards our goal. Any amount that you can contribute would be greatly appreciated. The Christmas event for the orphans is of course on 24th, 25th and 26th so we need to start planning from now. With the help and generosity of people and organizations like yours we can continue to give these children a wonderful Christmas every year. This is an annual event so your generosity each year is very much welcomed, however.
if you choose to donate their are so many way you can give use the money that will be convinient for you please kindly Get back to us so we will tell you what next to do, we will happily accept your generosity. If you have any questions at all, please contact me directly at the YOUNG DONATION FOR NEEDY (YDN) .... (+234) 708-657-7657, 810-206-7225. I thank you in advance for your time, cooperation and generosity.
Your Name (Mr, Mark Kelvin)