From: "Mr.Usman Dantata" <>
Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2012 13:08:10 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Urgent Assistance
Urgent Assistance
Dear sir/madam,
My name is Mr.Usman Dantata,I am a worker with Bank of AfricaOuagadougou Burkina Faso.I am contacting you with respect totransfer the sum ($22.500,000.00) Twenty-Two Million, Five HundredThousand United States Dollar) deposited by a major supplier ofAgricultural Equipments in West Africa named Mr.Christian Eich whodie along with his family on 31st July 2000 in Concorde Air Crash.
Through my investigation, I find out that he die along withhis next of kin and the roll-over on the funds has also expirebecause the bank law stimulates that after 12 years where the nextof kin did not appear for the claim funds, the fund will transferinto bank treasury as unclaimed funds. In order to avert thisnegative development, I will like to seek for your permission as aforeigner to stand as the next of kin to Mr.Christian Eich so thatthe fruits of this old man's labour will not be use forfinancing government.The money will be paid into your account forus to share in the ratio of 50% for me and 50% for you and anyexpenses incurred in the course of the transaction will be made byboth of us.
There is no risk involve in this project as my position in my bankand with the aid of my personal information I will beprovided to make you the legal beneficiary and the legality of thisproject will correspond with local and international laws ofinheritance.Upon your response, I shall then provide you withfurther information and modalities that will help you understandthe transaction.You should observe utmost confidentiality, and restassured that this project would be most profitable for both partiesbecause I shall require your assistance to invest my share in yourcountry.
Awaiting your urgent reply or call me at +226 68135978.
Best Regards
Mr.Usman Dantata