From: "Patrick" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2012 13:24:04 -0300
Forgive me If this business proposition offends your moral values as i pray that this mail finds you and your family in good health,I am Patrick Johnson personnel for diplomatic missions United Nation,Ghana.It is by faith i disclose this vital information to you hoping you will be faithful,following the uprising in Libya a convoy from our office with me included was sent to Misurata to secure our interests,assets and Ghanians in Libya.
In the course of this mission I met the only surviving family members of a late crude Merchant in Libya who bears a similar name as yours,he was murdered by the pro Qaddafi soldiers in Misurata Libya during the war and i learnt from his wife as well as other witnesses that their entire family were wiped out,his wife and son managed to escape but not after sustaining several injuries.
Barbara his wife pleaded that i allow she and her son follow our convoy as refugees to Ghana,though they weren’t citizens of Ghana but compassion grew in me to assist,so i had them and their belongings registered and brought to Ghana as refugees.We arrived Ghana and they had a safe aside other belongings deposited at the refugee Storage facility,Barbara and her son were taken to our intensive care unit for treatment,within that time i was in constant contact with them providing whatever item they wanted from their belongings.
It was within this period Barbara disclosed to me that days before the war started in Misurata her husband started making arrangements for his family to be in a safe place,because of the war he cleared his account of Three million united states dollars hoping they will get refugee aid to live the country,unfortunately things went wrong he and two of his daughters were brutally murdered,Barbara and her son sustained fatal acid injuries from the blast that took the life of her beloved husband and daughters and sisters.
The most annoying and cruel part is that neither did Barbara nor the little boy make it,they died from the stern acidic injuries seven days after their arrival in Ghana as refugees,My heart bleeds of their predicament each time i remember them,My purpose of contacting you is to request your help in retrieving the safety deposit box from the refugee storage facility.
I am contacting you not only because I want us to share the funds but because we can finance and expand your line of business with the funds in good faith whilst doing some charitable affairs as well,Aside the similarity your names the reason i am disclosing this information to you is because i our laws prohibits an officer from retrieving such deposits and further stipulates it will be confiscated if not retrieved within a period of time which is very close from now.
Obliging to this I am willing to let you keep 25% (Twenty-five percent) of the money for any expense incurred in communication,therefore in order to proceed kindly send me your contact information i.e;1. Full Name,Contact address,Occupation,Sex,Age and Phone number to .further details shall be provided when i receive your mail,also be informed that my request is 100 percent legal as i have proof to back the claim
Patrick Johnson