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Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2012 11:30:15 +0200
From:Jim Camen
Fidelity Fund Manager
London & Channel Islands.
I am Jim Camen,a wealth/fund manager of Fidelity Investment International,- London & Channel Islands. Fidelity Investment Group is one of the world's largest independent investment/fund management organisations, entrusted with over £650 billion in assets & $1.2Trillion Capital Investment Funds globally.Fidelity has 370 investment managers and research analysts based in offices around the world, offering a wide range of funds to suit all your needs.
Neverthless, as Fidelity Funds Manager, I handle all our Investor's Direct Capital Funds and secretly extract 1.2% Excess Maximum Return Capital Profit (EMRCP) per annum on each of the Investor's Magellan Capital Funds.As an expert,I have made over 22.5M (Twenty Two Point Five Million Pounds) from the Investor's EMRCP and hereby looking for someone to trust who will stand as an Investor to receive the funds as Annual Investment Proceeds from Fidelity Magellan Capital Funds.All confirmable documents to back up the claims will be made available to you upon your acceptance. Meanwhile,I have worked out the strategies and technincalities whereby the funds can be claimed in any of our 6 Clearing Houses without any hitches.Our sharing ratio will be 60-40 in these transaction. Should you find interest in my intent, then call me immediately to stop me from moving further in sourcing for a capable person. Remember to email me your direct contact phone numbers/infomation for more discus
sion of this transaction in furth
Jim Camen.