From: "ALI MOHAMMED" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2012 15:31:06 +0200
Hello and greetings of the day to you and all,
I may not know how you feel about my message but please I have no intentions to inconvenience your
day or of exposing myself but this was born by some emmergencies caused out of life unexpectations.
But if you feel reluctant you may as well ignor it.I decided to contact you through this medium as
it is the only means I can serch and reach out for an organization or individual that can aid me
facilitate my most pressing and important wish.I feel unpleasant considering the pains l am going
through at this moment but I have to do all I think I can posiible,while hoping and pray Allah for
the right organization or someone to assit carry out my dying wish.
As you read this message I don't want you to feel sorry for me because I believe everyone will die
someday.My name is Mr. Omar Ali Mohammed,a United Arab Emirate.A 61yrs. old oil merchant and
businessman from Dubai.I have recently been diagnosed of Ideopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis;thickenings
in the lungs.It has so far defiled all forms of medicine and now I have only about a short period
to live according to medical experts.
I have not particularly lived my life so well after my wife and 2 children died in a car accident,
including the driver,in Qatar a town near my country.since then I never really cared for manythings
(not even myself) but business.I am very rich but was not generous, I was always hostile to people
and only focused on my business and alcohol as that was the only thing I cared for.But now I regret
all this as I now realize that there is more to life than just wanting to have and make all the
money in this world.I believe when Allah gives me a second chance to come to this world,I would live
my life a different way from how I have lived it.Now that death is imminent,I have willed and given
most of my property and assets to my immediate and extended family members as well as a few close
friends.I want Allah to be merciful and accept my soul,therefore I have decided to support charity
work, which is what I want to be remembered for as one good I did on earth,before the time.So far I
have come to some charitable organizations in my country,India and Haiti.Now that my health is
deteriorating badly,I cannot do all of this myself anymore,I once asked members of my family to close
my accounts and distribute the money which I have there to the needy,the fatherless and widows but
they refused and kept the money to themselves.I do not trust them anymore as they seem not to be very
contended with all what I have done and left for them.
The last of my belonging which no one is aware of but my late wife,is a small Estate I have in the UAE.
I have ealier instructed my attorney to sell off this property and provide the fund to a new fund
Administrator whom I will appoint to him, that is you if my proposal is accepted.I will want you to
use this fund to manage a charity foundation in my name to the glory of Allah in my country(the
United Arab Emirates) or suggest a good country of your choice,but it should please be in memory of
I am writing this message from a hospital bed in Prato (Italy),where I am presently recieving
medications under Palliative Care unit as I await my time.I have set aside 15% of the total fund for
you as a token of my appreciation for your efforts and goodwill,the balance 85% is for the foundation.
I shall unveil other information about this,like the sum involved and other vital details you will be
needing when I hear back from you.I hope that Allah uses you to assist me with good heart.
Please reply back if you are willing to assist me through my;PRIVATE DOCTOR'S E-MAIL as I am using
his personal lap top computer in my ward,you know I am very sick but I will be finding time to read
my message as soon as he informs me of any.
Your Name.........
Your Home Addresses.. ....
City.. ......
Country.. ......
Home Telephone.. .....
Private Telephone.. ......
Fax No.. ......
Marital Status.. ......
Age.. ......
Occupation.. .......
Religion.. .........
Allah be with you.
Mr.Omar Ali Mohammed.