From: "UPS" <> (may be fake)
Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2012 12:06:47 +0300
Subject: UPS delivery refuse ID#20907
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<a href=""><img style="width: 499px; height: 396px;" alt="" src=""></a>
<p style="color: #FFFFFF;">It appeared that I was wrong.On the train Mr. Sims unfolded to me that his idea in blowing in upon his college was one of benefaction. He had it in his mind, he said, to do something for the old place, no less a thing than to endow a chair. He explained to me, modestly as was his wont, the origin of his idea. The brewing business, it appeared, was rapidly reaching a stage when it would have to be wound up. The movement of prohibition would necessitate, said Mr. Sims, the closing of the plant. The prospect, in the financial sense, occasioned my friend but little excitement. I was given to understand that prohibition, in the case of Mr. Simss brewery, had long since been written off or written up or at least written somewhere where it didnt matter. And the movement itself Mr. Sims does not regard as permanent.
<p style="color: #FFFFFF;">
We have no idea even of opening the question as to what work the Darwinian theory has incited, and in what way the work done has reacted upon the theory; and least of all do we like to meddle with the polemical literature of the subject, already so voluminous that the German bibliographers and booksellers make a separate class of it.But two or three treatises before us, of a minor or incidental sort, suggest a remark or two upon the attitude of mind toward evolutionary theories taken by some of the working naturalists. Mr. Darwins own expectation, that his new presentation of the subject would have little or no effect upon those who had already reached middle-age, has--out of Paris--not been fulfilled. There are, indeed, one or two who have thought it their duty to denounce the theory as morally dangerous, as well as scientifically baseless; a recent instance of the sort we may have to consider further on.
<p><span style="color: #FFFFFF;">The decomposition which with perfect chemical accuracy has been stated to occur quantitatively between 36 parts by weight, of water and 64 parts of calcium carbide scarcely ever takes place in so simple a fashion in an actual generator.Owing to the heat developed when carbide is in excess, about half the water is converted into vapour; and so the reaction proceeds in two stages half the water added reacting with the carbide as a liquid, the other half, in a state of vapour, afterwards reacting similarly, [Footnote This secondary reaction is manifestly only another variety of the phenomenon known as after-generation (cf. _ante_). After-generation is possible between calcium carbide and mechanically damp slaked lime, between carbide and damp gas, or between carbide and calcium hydroxide, as opportunity shall serve. In all cases the carbide must be in excess. ] or hardly reacting at all, as the case may be.