From: Mrs Sheryl Newton <>
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2012 06:34:50 -0700 (PDT)
My name is Sheryl Newton, an Australian, based in London U.k. I work with a
very established oil company here in London, name of company withheld for
security reason`s. My boss is in charge of offshore remittance in this
establishment. He asked me to seek your assistance for a transfer of [GB
£7M]SEVEN MILLION POUNDS STERLING] to your account for further private
This amount accrued from an over-invoiced contract awarded to a Chinese firm
for the construction of an Oil Drilling stations in Berkshire London in 2008
The original value of the contract was (GBP £14M) but we manipulated the
figure to read Twenty one Million pound sterling(£21M)
The extra (£7M) is what we want to transfer to your account for our own
personal use and investments.
Note that the nature of your job does not matter,All modalities to effect the
payment and subsequent transfer of this money have been worked out. This
transaction is 100% risk free but requires 100 percent confidentiality. This
is a golden opportunity, which must not be allowed to slip out of our hands as
a result of any careless acts and utterances. We chose you for this
transaction because we believe that good friends can be discovered and
businesses such as this cannot be realized without trust. You can be rest
assured that your security has been considered before you were contacted.
At the end of the deal you will be compensated with 24% of the total sum,
while the rest will be used in investments in a lucrative ventures in your
country. If you are interested in this deal, kindly get back to me with your
full details including your private telephone.
Sheryl Newton