Plot 617/618 Central Area District
Diplomatic Zone PMB 2851.
Garki Abuja, FCT Nigeria.
Our Ref: WB/NF/UN/XX2012
Your Urgent Attn:
This letter is from the United Nation World Fund Discovery Management And Payment Bureau newly established by the World Financial Service Authority United States Of America / United Kingdom.
Due to the petitions received by the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon from all over the continent in regards to the fraudulent activities going on in the West Africa sub-region with security's agent and diplomats who has been delaying people's funds, consignment and valuables in their custody and demand out-outrageous fees to get their consignment released to them.
However,( Mr. Ban Ki-moon ) who is the UNITED NATION Secretary-General came to the African head quarters in ABUJA, NIGERIA on the 15TH JULY 2012 and set up this committee with sole aim of settling all these anomalies. And due to that, we are contacting you today regards to your consignment box we discovered, The (UN-WFDMPB) West Africa zone has its Annex office in ABUJA, NIGERIA and I Mr. Desmond Novia was duly appointed chairman to oversee the delivery/handing over of consignment to its owners. This body was set up to discover an unpaid fund being owed to Governments or Individuals all over the world through Contract Payment, Inheritance and Lottery Winning Prize Awards.
It has come to our knowledge just this morning when we took the security companies and diplomat in COTONOU (BENIN REPUBLIC), LAGOS (NIGERIA) AND ACCRA (GHANA) INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT and recovered consignments. It will interest you to know that we have discovered an unpaid / unclaimed sum of US$5.5million in favor of your name and a mandate has been given to this body World Fund Discovery Management And Payment Bureau to ensure that this fund gets to you without delay.
Note that a special payment arrangement has been made to remit this fund to you through diplomatic means. Nevertheless you are advised to furnish this office with your contact information to enable us open up communication with you regarding the release of your fund immediately.
1. Full Name:
2. Country of Origin:
3. Country of Resident:
4. Telephone Number:
5. Fax Number:
6. Sex/Gender:
7. Age:
8. Marital Status:
9. Occupation
10. Physical Address:
11. Attached Copy of your International passport or Drivers license:
We are working according to the constitution binding this committee as well as helping the less privilege through this means. You will be required to reach me via telephone or email.
Waiting to hear from you ASAP.
Best Regards,
Mr. Desmond Novia
Chairman (UN-WFDMPB).