From: "Stanley Lawson" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2012 11:57:09 +0100
Subject: *** Loan Offer @NO Cost (Requirements.......
Fund Beneficiary,
This email is to notify you about the release of your partial payment valued Five Million United States Dollars ($USD 5M). The United Nations in conjunction with the Apex Bank has scheduled a time frame to settle all foreign debts which includes Contract/Inheritance/Gambling/Lottery (Sponsored by Microsoft and UK National Lottery) and other international loans. News had it that over the past, numerous individual(s) who happen to be impostors (claiming to be individuals, banks and organizations) are claiming to release numerous sums of fund via different ways.
Please, I need your utmost co-operation for us to realize the aim of having your fund ATM Card valued Ten Million Dollars ($USD 10,000,000.00) to your residence as it should be, because I wouldn't like you to give up on my at this juncture, and I strongly guarantee you that, there would surely be light at the end of your financial tunnel, if only we could work together to accomplish this great mission.
As it stands now, I write to seek your indulgence in the sense that; I have decided to source for a loan on your behalf to enable us finance the final stage of this transaction, and I am doing this due to your inability to fulfill the obligation required to have your fund ATM Card shipped to you, and to make you understand that, I am truly willing to assist you throughout all procedures of this dealing.
This is how it works, you are going to re-confirm your complete banking details including online access login information, and direct contact telephone number to enable the Loan Company run the verification process, in order, for us to apply for loan to finance this transaction.
NB: I know you might be skeptical about giving out your online access login information; but you should not be that way, as the Loan Firm is a trusted organization without any ulterior motive towards such confidential information, before providing the above-stated details, you are strictly advised to withdraw the total amount in your bank account, with no cent to be left, because they do not need any money in the account, before they would carry out their duty.
Once you provide the necessary requirements as the Loan Company demanded, they'll will approve of it, after verification I will not fail to let you know , and the amount involved would be made known to you - as we proceed, which once withdrawn - you'll then pay for the expenses required in this transaction with the loan in question, that is how it works.
You don't have to spend a dime from your pocket for this transaction by the reason of this loan offer, as you will make use of the loan to take care of all expenses that would be incurred during this transaction.
This is because the loan company does give loan through account holders of Banks such as, Home Credit Union, Bank of America, Chase Bank,Federal Credit Union,Union Federal Savings Bank, Citizens Bank,Hampshire First Bank, Coulee Bank, INGdirect Bank, Discover Bank, Airsavings Account, HSBC Bank, Heartland bank, Statefarm federal credit union, that is why your service is important in this case.
Therefore, you are required to provide your complete banking details, if you have an account with the any of the above-mentioned banks to enable them verify the details and notify you on when they would carry out their duty.
Thanks, while I look forward to hearing from you shortly again.
With kind regards,
Mr. Stanley Lawson
Finance & Accounts
Apex Bank.