From: Anna Philippe <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2012 11:08:17 +0100 (BST)
Subject: From Anna Philip
>From Anna PhilipEMAIL:(
Dear, one
Good day,i know this message may come to you as a surprise as i have nevercome into communication with you before. I am Anna Philip, the onlydaughter of my father , my father and mother was brutally kiiled alongside with my brothers and sisters by the rebel troops who stormed ourhouse during the resent politiocal crisis here in Cote d'Ivoire. I will saythat, i was very furtunate to escape death, because i was not in our housewhen the rebels stormed our house. This is every sad incident, and unbearablelost , i saw my hole family killed and were burnt.
Right now, i don't wish to continue staying here in Cote d'Ivoire, that 'swhy i have contacted you, if you can help me out from this presentsituation, by securing a stay in your Country, and to live and stay withyou as a guidian.I inherited a total sum of 14,000,000,00 Euro from mylate father, this is
the money he deposited into a bank here before this incident happened. Iam interested to invest this fund with you in your country into marineindustry, like purchasing of fishing boats, hoping you will help me withthis my project.
kindly forward all your contact activities to me for immediate decissionon the investment program,before I will make your name available to thebank as my partner/Beneficiary to enable the bank arrange for the transferof the money into your account in your country. However,i have with me thedepostry slip issued to my daddy from the bank at the day he made thedeposit of the money, which i saw in his save. For your assistance I willaccept to offer you 30% of the total money as your own percentageimmediately after transfer is done into your account. Please, thisinformation's should be confidencial. Because of my security and of thismoney Please kindly contact me through thisemail:( your immediate reply for more details
Best regards,From Anna Philip