From: "TONY MOORE" <>
Date: Sat, 07 Jul 2012 04:00:40 +0200
Subject: Re:
Dies ist Ihre offizielle Mitteilung, dass unser Service aktualisiert wurde,=
und wir fanden heraus, dass Ihre E-Mail-Kontos reagiert nicht auf unserem =
Server aufgrund einer Virusinfektion.
155 5th street sandton
Johannesburg South Africa
Tel: +27-78-128-1967
Good Day
i am MR TONY MOORE from a well knowing SECURITY COMPANY in Johannesburg sou=
th =
Africa. A company based in VIP Security and investors assets and management =
protection in south Africa. As a director of warehouse where local and =
foreign consignment/boxes are deposited for safe keep, since last year I ha=
ve =
been investigating one foreign consignment deposited here without next of =
kin, last week I find out that the owner of the consignment died 4 year ago=
, =
this consignment was deposited as a family treasure but what make me to loo=
k =
into this consignment is because there is no name mentioned as the next of =
kin, =
then when I secretly check the consignment and I find out that the =
consignment is containing US$13.5 Million dollars as mentioned in the =
clearance certificate that I find inside the box with the cash.
Now i have concluded a smooth arrangement to move this =
money out of this company but i cannot do it completely without presenting =
a foreigner as the =
next of kin/business partner of the dead depositor, on clearance certificat=
e =
the depositor mentioned that the money in question belong to he=92s busines=
s partner oversea, =
so the only person in position to claim this money is somebody from outside=
south Africa that =
I can present to the company as the partner of the former owner, i am ready=
to share this money =
with you 60/40 that is 40% for you and 60% for me because I will arrange al=
l the necessary documents =
for the smooth release this consignment to you . Please get back to me as s=
oon as possible with the below details
so that i can give you more details, we can get this money out to your acc=
ount within 5 days.
Full Name:
Full Address:
Telephone Number:
Mobile Number:
Your Email:
Country of Origin:
Kindly reply with above details.
Thanks and God bless you