From: kouanah anna <>
Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2012 08:54:20 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Request for partnership
Name: Anna
Occupation: Accountant / Ecobank Cote d'Ivoire
My sincerely greetings and apologies to all your regard.everything, I apologize for my instrustion into your privacy.
short, my name is Anna Kouanah, Framework, Department of Accounting at
Ecobank Côte d'Ivoire. A account was opened in our bank in 2004 and
since 2010, no operation was performed. This has to compete today in
our books, an account payable of 15.5million pounds of U.S.. After
consulting carefully all the archives and records relating to this
account, I realized that I could easily dispose of this money if I
managed to turn to an account outside so I'm looking for a discreet and
honest partner.
The owner of this account was SAKI Fire GASTON, an
expatriate director of Petrol-Technical Support Services Inc., a
chemical engineer, died following a traffic accident. And no one knows
to this day the existence of this account.His account has no other
beneficiary as well as his family
in his former company.
would like to transfer the money into an account abroad, but i do not
know anyone outside. I would like you to help me transfer this money to
invest in your field and this way the idea came to me to contact you
and give you the proposal to transfer this amount from your bank
account, for sharing ,eg 40% for you. I am aware that this message will
surprise you because we did not know before, but be sure it's a real
opportunity that I offer.
I ask you to answer me as soon as possible.
Very Urgent.
Anna kouanah