Permit me to seek for your consent for a partnership project which I desire for both of us to participate, that will yield significant fund for prospect investment into very lucrative sectors in your country.
I am a banker by profession and the partnership deal that I desire for us to execute jointly is entirely valid. During the closure of year 2011 fiscal audit of our bank, I personally discovered an account that had been dormant (inactive) for 7 (seven) years. The account has credit balance of $4,100,000.00 USD” (Four Million One Hundred Thousand Dollars) only and the foreign account holder is deceased and he listed no next of kin beneficiary to the fund in all of his documentation. My major interest here is to work with you as a team and carry out this deal behind closed doors. As a Banker, I have already set modalities in place for the successful transfer of the deposit into your account as the plain beneficiary.
However, due to my position in the bank, I cannot handle this deal directly/personally that is the more reason I need you a foreigner to cooperate with in order to carry out this transaction with me.
If you agree to work with me, please provide answers to the following questions so that we can start the deal immediately.
1. What is your full name?
2. Current Address?
3. Can you handle or manage this volume of money when transferred to your account?
4. What is your phone number?
Your answers to the above questions will determine the next line of action. Please answer all the questions.
I am waiting for your immediate reply.
Newman Kwaku
International Commercial Bank Limited