Hello ,
I am Sergeant Robert Erwing of the Kilo Company, 42 Commando Royal Marines of the British led coalition forces currently in Afghanistan on Operation Enduring Freedom, based on the legislative and executive decision to withdraw all coalition troops before the end of 2014 and hand over all security to the Afghan Police, I have been approved for withdrawal and subsequently will be deployed to Falkland Island to serve out my deployment.
This circumstance have orchestrated this proposal and I will explain in details upon your acceptance.I have in my sight ,the sum of $13.2 million US Dollars which was recovered from one of our raids battling insurgencies, this people keep most of their money at home for evil activities which they normally get through illegal deals and donors.some of us did meet such luck and it happened that I went for this raid with the men in my unit and we agreed to part with sum potions of the money to compensate our self's for the sufferings we do undergo as soldiers in this evil land filled with suicide bombers, before making it known to the military authority.
So we agree to cut among us $13. 2 million US Dollars cash each, though it seems quite an illegal thing to do by officers of our caliber, but considering the amount of risk we run virtually every day which have led to loss of friends and relatives including my brother in-law who was killed by a road side bomb leaving behind, wife and two kids, you will agree with me on parting with this little amount of the fund!
I got this fund deposited with a Red Cross office here stashed in a box and informed them that we are making contacts for the real owners, clearly it is under my powers to approve who stands for the claim.I wish to use this money for charity purposes in Turkey, where we have high number of refugees and Sudan where we have currently the highest numbers of refugees displaced as a result of war, you need to visit such places, I am not forgetting the displaced in India.
I want to invest the money on stock fish from Norway to support this refugees because based on my experience on battle ground in this places, they lack a lot of fish and meat to add to their meager and unpalatable meals which they get in little quantity just to keep them living until God knows when the problem ends. Instead of allowing this terrorist to get the money and spend it on purchasing arms illegally from Russia and China it is better channeled to saving the world.
However I cannot move this money to the Britain because i will be in Falkland for years and the fund can not be moved in my name also because of my position as Service Men which forbids us from doing business while on active duty In a foreign land.so I need someone real, somebody that i can trust to move the funds in his names as the Beneficiary.
I will give you more details about this plan and how this will take off, if your are compelled to intervene.I have made a decision to give you 10% of the sum for your assistance while 90% will be for me, should you accept this offer. Contact me on roberterwing@superposta.com
I hope i am fair on this deal
Sgt. Robert Erwing