From: "FedEx COURIER SERVICE" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2012 23:47:02 -0700
Top of the day to you ,
My Name is Elder Davies Daniel Export/Import manager FedEx Courier Services, early this First Quarter (January 2012) a meeting was held with the New President and as well with all Board of Director's/Banker's including all Private Sector and Public Sector's in regards to SCAM ERADICATION ,The New President Of the Federal Republic Of Nigeria and the New Governor(CENTRAL BANK OF NIGERIA) Sanusi Lamido Sanusi came into conclusion with all Board of Director's and Private/Public Sector Business Owner's to Release every Fund's under there Custody to the Federal Reserve Bank for proper dispatch of fund to all rightful beneficiary,also this is to bring to your Notice that No Bank, or Security Company are holding your Fund, as all fund have been Directed confirmed to the Federal Reserve Bank KTT Department with the Conclusion/Agreement and Instruction from the New President and the Governor of Central Bank Of Nigeria.
Be Informed that the CENTRAL BANK OF NIGERIA which is the Apex Bank have NO right to Release Foreign Beneficiary Fund from now till further notice as indicated and agreed with the President because of the Scam Activities.
The Federal Reserve Bank have set a peaceful Payment Mode to all Beneficiaries without Stress or Requesting for Fee's before the Release of Fund contract Value of $3,500,000.00 (Three Million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollar Only), all necessary Modalities and Arrangement have been fully carried out, as the Assigned Bank that is Allowed to Release your Fund under Directives and Supervision is the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK only with the payment mode of DELIVERY
(ATMCARD) to your Doorstep, we must work in accordance to the agreement Nigerian government reached with the international community that says, all Taxes and levies waived till the beneficiary confirms his/her money but on condition that every Beneficiary shall pay for the PROCESSING & DELIVERY FEE ($98.44 only) as soon as he confirms this email from the Carrier/Courier Services.
We are the only Courier Services that is assigned to carryout the Delivery of your Package as the Federal Reserve Bank have forwarded all necessary documentations to my office so as to backup your Atmcard for immediate usage once you receive your Package, be informed that without the Payment for the Processing and Delivery Fee there is no way we will have the legal power to facilitate the delivery of your Package.
We have Register your Atmcard for delivery below are the documentations with your ATMCARD which Original copy will be deliver to your home address and as well copies will be attached to you
once you clear your Processing and Delivery Fee.
Below are the Certificates attached:
* Copy of your ATMCARD/ATM user Manual(Guide)
* Copy of your Un-Register International Airway Bill.
Below are your Tracking Details which include your Unregistered Tracking Number,once we confirm the Payment for the Processing and Delivery Fee your Tracking Number will be Register on Our Database for your immediate tracking once payment is confirmed by today this is the Only Delay.
Kindly write down these above Information for your Package and for your Own Use:
Your Tracking#: 860271123988 (Unregister)
Visit Website:
Beneficiary are advice to Openup Immediate communication with the Express Delivery Personnel Incharge and also clear the Payment for the Processing Fee and Delivery Charges,so as for your Tracking # will be matched on our Database for you to track your Package without delay and to inform you when your Atmcard will arrive, as the Federal Reserve Bank have carried test on your Atmcard that is the reason why they request for my office to contact you as the Carrier Services.
You are advice to Contact the Express Delivery Department and Re-confirm these above Details to her office with immediate effect:
Your Full Name:
Delivery Address:
Direct Working Telephone#:
Nearest Airport:
Age/Occupation/Marital Status:
Delivery Programme Schedule:..........Delivery will take place within 24hrs once payment is confirmed, as beneficiary will also have full access to the Tracking Details , your Tracking #(860271123988) is not yet Matched on our Database so your Tracking # is not yet Valid on our
Tracking Database until Processing Fee and Delivery Charge is confirmed by this office, then your Tracking will be Matched on our Database so you will be able to Access and as well know the Exact time and Date your ATM will Arrive your Doorstep.
Delivery Processing Fee : $33
Delivery Fee Charges : $65
Total: $98.44 Only.
Note: The fee will be paid by the Beneficiary before the office of (Mrs Omolara P.Akorede) will be able to Match and Register your Package for Delivery, which will not take more than 2hrs of Confirmation before your Tracking# will be ready for you Track on our Website.
We do not accept Payment via Beneficiary who already have FedEx online Account/Credit Card, Mrs Omolara have more information on the payment mode and delivery schedule of your package once payment is confirmed by her office.
Also Kindly Reconfirm your Delivery Address so as to Avoid Wrong Delivery, as its very Important.
Best Regards,
Elder Davies Daniel,
Export/Import Office on
Packages and Delivery Management.
Signed by: