From: Federal Bureau of Investigation <>
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Date: Thu, 17 May 2012 22:21:32 +0000
Federal Bureau of InvestigationFBI Seattle Division1110 Third AvenueSeattle. 98101-2904
This is Robert S. Mueller III of Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI).The FBI in alliance with the Economic Community of WestAfrican States (ECOWAS), with their Head Office there in Nigeria hasbeen working towards the total eradication of fraudsters and scam in theWestern part of Africa With the help of the United States Government andthe (U.N) United Nations. We have been able to track down so many of thisscammers in various parts of west African States, which includes (NIGERIA,REPUBLIC OF BENIN, TOGO, GHANA CAMEROUN AND SENEGAL) and they are all inour custody over there in Lagos Nigeria, meanwhile during the process of arrest,We were able to recover some funds from the prosecueted scammer.
Regarding to this great achievement, the (U.N) United Nations Anti-crimecommission and the United State Government have ordered that the moneyrecovered from these Scammers be shared among 100 Lucky people around theglobe.This email is been directed to you because your email address wasfound in one of the file and computer hard disk recovered from theprosecuted scammers there in our custody. You are therefore beingcompensated with the sum of $1Million Dollars. We have also arrestedall those who claimed to be Barristers, Bank Officials, LotteryAgents,Person or group of Person's who claim to have funds in theircustody that belonged to you or want you to be the Next of kin of suchfunds which do not exist.
Since your email appeared among the lucky Beneficiaries who will receive acompensation of $1Million Dollars, we have arranged your paymentthrough our swift card payment center with Skye Bank Plc.
Please do Feel free to contact the processing officer Mr.Ibe Chinye Sanu. Theswift card has been specially prepared to enable you withdraw your moneyin any ATM machine in any part of the world, but the maximum is FourThousand Dollars Only per day, due to security reasons, So you aretherefore adviced to contact the processing officer Mr.Ibe Chinye Sanu. withthe required information as stated below.
CONTACT PERSON: Mr.Ibe Chinye Sanu.Director Skye Bank Swift Card Payment CenterCONTACT EMAIL: (
You are advice to forward the information bellow to enable him prepare your ATM Card including your Pin for easy accessibility.
Your Full Name__________________________Your Address____________________________P.O.BOX_________________________________Country_________________________________Telephone Number________________________Mobile Number___________________________Fax Number______________________________Occupation______________________________Marital Status__________________________Age_______________Sex___________________
Officially Sign. Robert S.Mueller IIIFederal Bureau of InvestigationJ. Edgar Hoover Building935 Pennsylvania Avenue,NW Washington, D.C.20535-0001, USA