Attention: Dear User of the Internet
How are you today? We hope this mail meets you in a perfect condition. This is a total cash prize of {$2,500,000.00} Two Million Five Hundred Thousand US Dollars, given to the first Five (5) people compensated in this world internet programs.
All participants were selected randomly from World Wide Web site through computer draw system and extracted from over 700,000 companies. We are using this opportunity to thank you for using the internet daily.
Due to your effort, using internet daily, we want to compensate you and show our gratitude to you with the sum of {$500,000.00} Five Hundred Thousand US Dollars, We have arranged your payment through our swift card centers, which is the latest instruction from International Monetary Fund Reconciliation Office {IMF}.
The card center will send you an ATM Visa card which you will use to withdraw your money in any ATM machine, Banks and Union Pay Credit outlets in the world; you are hereby selected as an honor for this payment approval, which you are to acknowledge the receipt of this mail to the Logistic Department by email listed below.
Contact Agent. David Martins with below e-mail;
Compensation Office and Logistics Vaults
Contact Agent: David Martins
Thanks and God bless you and your family.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Yours Faithfully,
Mrs. Bessel Harris
International Online Lottery Co-ordinator.
©2012 World Internet Programs
NOTE: Kindly be informed that recipients shall be liable for the cost of delivery of the Atm visa card.