From: Breeze Aleux <>
Date: Sat, 12 May 2012 12:35:02 +0000
Subject: Please you r help is needed....
I got your contact during my personal search on international chambers
of commerce and i was touched by faith to contact you for this fund
claims proposal.
I am the finance Planning Consultant and Associate Director of Perfect
Million Capital ,one of the World's Largest Funds management
corporations , i handle all our investors Direct Capital Fund on
Excess Maximum Return Capital Profit(EMRCP), this is been used for
trading in Stock Market,Crude Oil and lending with Profit Returns.
Every Year, each Corporate Investor is expected to receive his/her
Total Investment Capital Fund which i have presently extracted
29.8Million USD from the total ERMCP from various Investors and
presently i cannot claim it without presenting some one as one of the
investors in which all the documents to back up the claim shall be
made available prior to your acceptance to stand as the investor
.Please confirm your interest so i can include your name as one of
the corporate investors that will receive their Annual Investment
Proceeds for this month after balancing and auditing. We shall share
the Proceeds equal when transferred into your designated bank account.
Confirm Your Interest by indicating Your contact Number for discussion
of this offer in details .
Upon receiving of your response, I shall be forwarding to you the
clarifications by briefing you more about the deal.
Best Regards,
Breeze Aleux
PMC Consultant
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