Dear Sir,
Have you made any past attempt to claim lottery winning funds, contact funds or any inheritance fund on your name from Africa, Asia and within the United Kingdom without any success? We have set up a panel to review unsuccessful individual transactions with international inheritance/contract insurance and lottery organizations including foreign banks especially in Africa, Asia and within the United Kingdom.
>From the investigations made, you are entitled to receive an approved sum of $15,500,000.00 USD but your fund payment application requirements are not complete. Therefore, we will not be able to authorize any Bank in United Kingdom to pay any fund to you until you correct this mistake.
It is very important we state that you will never receive your funds through any foreign bank until you provide any evidence of an identification document.
Failure to provide this requirement for your payment will continue to nullify your chances of receiving your funds, and this fund will be confiscated and made to be forfeited under the Money Laundering and other Financial Crime Prohibition Act of 2003.
Kindly cooperate with my assistance and I will make sure your funds are paid to you without delay.
Chancellor of the Exchequer
Rt Hon George Osborne MP (Conservative)
HM Treasury Chancellor's Private Office.
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