From: Economic Controller Authorities <>
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2012 19:01:58 +0100 (BST)
Subject: Economic Controller Authorities Settlement Bord Your Fund.
From; African Economic Controller Authorities Settlement Bord.
Sequel to the delays and encumbrances relating to the release of your total funds from here, we wish to notify you that your payment has been approved and forwarded to Diamond Bank Plc for final remittance into your bank account today. We did not transfer the funds directly into your bank account due to the President Obama's new method of financial obligations. He gave an instruction that any funds above $50,000.00 will be transferred to our correspondent payment centre for investigation before final remittance into the beneficiary's bank account.
The correspondent payment centre is the only bank that has been given the sole authority to handle any transaction from Africa to overseas(e.g: Europe,U.S.A, Asia, Australia and South America). We also learnt that you have spent some money in the past in order to receive your funds which results nothing in return. Now, you will receive your total funds as soon as you contact our correspondent payment centre , Email them as soon as you receive this email. You are hereby directed to contact them through this information below.
Diamond Bank International Plc (DBB)
Registered: 308, rue du Révérend Père Colineau
Boîtepostale : 01 BP 955 RP Cotonou
Tel: (229)
Fax: (229) 98.76.81000
Télex: 5022 DIAMBB CTNOU
Contact E-mail:
Contact person: Mr. Ebeelee.A.Shargani
Our Debt Payment Center will complete the remittance of your funds into your designated Bank account this week once they hear from you. Congratulations once again.
Yours in service,
Mrs. Susan Lee Hodon
[Economic Controller Authorities].