This Mail is to inform you that arrangement had been concluded to remit your total payment sum into your nominated bank account via NIGERIAN GOVERNMENT INDEPENDENT REVENUE ACCOUNT. ACCOUNT NO: 400-939134 WITH J.P MORGAN CHASE BANK NEW YORK.
Please note very carefully, Mr. John West from Ireland and his Nigerian partner Mr Kenneth Daani came to my office with a sworn affidavit to re-route your payment into a new bank account number as stated Below
Prudential Bank and Trust Co (Zamora Branch)
Account #: 5068-1117-88549
Address:Zamora Street,
Panda-can, Manila, Philippines
However, before this is done, you are hereby requested to confirm to us without delay the followings: If Mr. John West is one of your Director’s as he claimed.
If you have instructed him to appoint an attorney /agent on your behalf.If you have authorized us through your agent to issue Cash Call Payment remittance to them on your behalf. Please, also confirm if you have authorized Mr. John West to change your banking particulars as stated with this mail.
You are required as a matter of urgency to confirm the legitimacy of the above claim and kindly give us reasons why you decided to effect the above Change of Account. We have decided to contact you because the conduct of the two men became suspicious due
to the unsatisfactory information they provided concerning this transfer, and as a result, I decided to give them one week appointment ahead to enable me make necessary
verification from you.
Yours Sincerely,
Anthony Ani