My Names are Mr. Desmond Gate, British citizen and Member of Consultancy Team here in London UK. I got your esteemed contact during my search for a capable, reliable and trustworthy individual from your country India.
Below is my PROPOSAL:
There is a Multi-National Gem and Stones branding company based in the United State of America which I would like you to represent as a middleman between me and the American Gem and Stone Company in the USA. I am however, acting as their consultant. This Company is schedule to visit your country to buy their raw materials in huge quantity. But language barrier in your country is giving me serious problem with the local dealers in India. As a result, I have chosen you to partner with me so that the said local dealers will not have contact of the purchasing company from the USA.
It is my honest desire for you to assist me and be part of this life changing business transaction which is about taking place there in your country, as both of us will be making huge profits at the end of every supply or transaction made to the American Gem Company each time they visit India to buy this raw materials.
Note that your participation will not hinder you from your present business or activities, even as I look forward to reading your speedy reply for more details. REPLY TO: OR CALL: +44(0)7010020969.
Yours Truly,
Mr.Desmond Gate.