From: Cbn Account Supervisor <>
Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2012 01:59:28 -0700
Subject: Congratulations,$3.5M Secure Cash Atm Cash Card is ready for all
scams victims.
Congratulations,$3.5M Secure Cash Atm Cash Card is ready for all scams victims.
It is our pleasure to inform you that your Secure Cash Atm Cash Card
Number; 4689 9876 5432 1098 has been approved and upgraded in your
favour and have been instructed by our issuing bank for further
release to you the beneficiary.
Meanwhile,The ATM Card Value is $3.5million USD Only. You are advised
that a maximum withdrawal value of US$5,000.00 is permitted daily and
we are duly inter-switched as you can make withdrawal in any location
of the ATM Center of your choice nearest to you in your country.
We have also concluded delivery arrangement with our accredited
Courier company for onward delivery of the ATM Card to you without any
further delay. In view of this development, you are requested to
immediately forward your full contact information and a direct phone
number were you can be reached for more details on the delivery as we
also remind you once again that the ATM Card is ready.
We sincerely apologized for all the inconveniences this transfer might
have caused you in the past. Get back to this office and forward your
full contact information , contact
Treat as very urgent, Regards,
Rev. Johnson Okoma
National ATM Security Officer (CBN).