From: "Mrs Alicija KEMAL" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2012 23:07:36 +0300
Subject: merhaba..
Ben Bayan Kemal Alicija,25 Aralik 1927 dogumluyum yani 84 yas,indayim.
Eski esim kendisi Turk'du ismi ise Ahmed Kemal 40 yillik bir evlilik
hayatindan sonra esimi kaybettim isin kotusu hic cocuk sahibi olamamizdi.
Yillardirda kanser tedavisi goruyorum.Bir kizkardesi oldugunu biliyorum
aras,tirmalarim sonucunda Avcilardaki depremde hayatini kaybetmiis,.
Ben ise s,u illet kanserle bogusuyorum doktorlarin
soylemesine 1 ay omrum kalmis ne diim pekde inandirici degil ben
yas,amayi seviyorum.Es,im olmeden once bana Londradaki bir guvenlik
firmasina 11 mliyon dolar gibi bir fonu deposit olarak yatirdigini
soyledi aa benim hayatim bitigine gore bende bu parayi kanserliler
vakfina veya ne biliim herhangi bir vakifa yatirmayi planliyorum
cocugumda olmadigi icin o kisilerin isine yarasin istiyroum.
Bu bahsettigim paranin %40ni size %60ini ise dedigim gibi bu
derneklere bagislamak istiyorum.
Biraz acele etmemiz gerekir acikcasi doktorm dedigi dogru
cikarsa kimse birsey alamaz ve devlet buyuk ihtimalle yani
Ingiltere paranin ustune konar.Neyse yapabilirsek parayi cok
acil buraya transfer ettirelim.. sizden haber bekliyorum ben
biraz yorgunum.
Kemal Alicija
My Name is Mrs. Kemal Alicija, i was born on December 25th 1927 (84years old).
my late husband is a Turkish citizen, His Name is Emrah Kamel, we are married for
forty years (40years) but we did not have any child, since his death many years back,
i have been struggling with Cancer and fibroid.
Before his death, he deposited U.S. $ 11.5Million with a London security company,
He ordered the security company to send the consignment to Turkey to His only Sister
in Turkey, But the security company can not reach my late husband sister for many years.
But when I tried to contact my late husband's sister in turkey, i was told that she died in
Avcilar earthquake. I am currently in the hospital, the doctor told me that i have less than
one month to die due to deadly disease of over spread Cancer and fibroid in my body.
The doctor told me that I have only one month to live due to my ailment.
Having known my condition I decided to donate this fund to either a charity/orphanage
home or devoted God fearing individual in Turkey,that will utilize this money
to fund charity homes (Motherless homes), orphanages, and widows.
I took this decision because I don't have any child that will inherit this
money and i want this money to go back to turkey where my husband
come from, 40% of this money will be for you and your family,
you must give 60% for (Motherless homes), orphanages, and widows.
You have to act fast because if i die without presenting next of kin to the
security company, then the fund will be donated to London Government.
once i get your response i will give you more details to have the fund
transfer to Turkey
Kemal Alicija