From: "Rahman" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2012 22:36:56 +0200
Subject: THANK YOU.
good day to you and all.l may not know how you feel about this letter as l have no intentions
of exposing myself or inconvenience your day but was born due to emmergency caused by some life
unexpectations.You may be surprised since we do not know each other neighter have we met before
but if you feel reluctant about it you may as well ignor it.l believe l will achieve this through
His intervention.l decided to contact you through this medium as it is the only means l could
serch and reach out for someone or an organization that can aid me facilitate my last and most
important wish.l have to say that l have no intentions of causing you any pain so l decided to
contact you through this way.l feel so unpleasant at this point in time with life but l have to
do my best as it should while l pray and hope for the right organization or individual to carry
out my wish.As you read this l don't want you to feel pathetic for me because l believe everyone
will die someday. My name is Dr.Tariq Rahman a 62 years old real estate brocker and business man
from Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.l have been diagnosed with Ideopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis.
That was discovered lately due to my laxity in caring for my has defiled all form of
medicine and right now l have only about a few months to live according to medical experts.
l have not particularly lived my life so well after l lost my wife and 2 children in a fatal car
crash over a decade now.l have never really cared for anyone since then not even myself but my
businesses.Though I am very rich I was not always generous, I was somewhat hostile to people and
only focus on my business as that was what matters more to my life and the only thing l cared for.
But now I regret all this as I now realize that there is more to life than just wanting to make all
the money in the world. l believe if l am given a second chance to come to this world again,l will
live life a different way from how I have lived it now.
Now that I know my time is near, I have willed and given most of my properties and assets to my
immediate and extended family members,as well as a few close friends and Schools in the UAE.l have
decided also to give to charity as l want this to be one of the last good deeds l do on earth.So far
l have distributed money to some charity organizations in the U.A.E,United Kingdom and Haiti.But now
that my health has deteriorating and l am out of self help,l cannot do this myself anymore.l once
asked members of my family to close one of my accounts and donate the money which l have there to
charity organization in Japan and Thailand but they refused and kept the money to themselves.Hence
l do not trust them anymore as they seem not to be very satisfied with what l have left for them.
The last of my money which is a huge cassh deposit that l deposited in a bank in Italy,where l used
to do business to my country the UAE.Please l want you to collect it and distribute to charity and
if you have the time and means you can as well start one such charity organization with this deposit,
if you can not just distribute all to charity organizations.I am writing this letter from my laptop
computer in the hospital bed in England where l am presently undergoing treatment under palliaive
care as l wait for the time to come.lf you are willing to help me l will give you more details about
this,like the amount l deposited and the contact of the financail institution holding my money to
enable you contact them for the claim, you will take 20% out of the funds and give 80% to charity.
I pray that God uses you to assist me with good heart,lf you can help please respond back to me on
my email address.Thank you,stay well and blessed.Dr.Tariq Rahman.
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