From: "smith lee" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2012 23:56:23 +0800
Subject: Hello (I am Mr Smith Lee)
I am Mr Smith Lee, a citizen of Malaysia .I am writing to seek your assistance in collecting my money from a contact in America. some years back i made some investment in the America.
I have ask that the investment be liquidate and the money transferred to me so i could inject the funds into business here in Malaysia, which has be badly affected for the past years due to the economic recession.
But i was told by the contact, that for one reason and the other that they have a new policy not to transfer funds out of America for now.
Meanwhile, i wanted to travel to America to get the funds myself, but my doctor advice against it ,that due to my present state of health i can not make such a long distance trip.So i was told to provide an account in the America or Someone to receive the funds on my behalf.
Please let me know if you can received the funds on my behalf and forward to me as this does not require any form of expertise or expenses from your end.I just need someone with high integrity and You shall be entitle to 13% of the money you receive and forward me the balance 87%,PLEASE NOTE ,I AM NOT ASKING ANY MONEY FROM YOU NEITHER AM I ASKING YOU TO SPEND A CENT FROM YOUR POCKET.
Let me know if you can handle this so that i forward you the information of the contact and make arrangement on how to receive the funds.
Mr Smith Lee