From: "Williams O." (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2012 03:20:36 -0600
Subject: Investment advice needed from you here in Europe/////
Barr. P.O Williams.
Address: 33 St James's Square, London SW1Y 4JS.
You are being contacted today in respect of a proposition that will be financially rewarding to you and me. This may not be the most ideal form of introduction since we have not had the privilege of meeting each other before now; nevertheless, I implore you to go through the content of this mail carefully and the website stated below before making any decision.
I am Barrister Patrick O.Williams a Solicitor at law and attorney to Mr. Frederick Wooldridge, who recently lost his life to the earthquake in Haiti. Mr. Wooldridge was a citizen of both the United Kingdom and Australia. He was 41 years old at the time of his death, may his soul rest in peace Amen.
He made so much money in Iraq when he was appointed Special Assistant to the Executive Secretary of the UN Compensation Commission. I am contacting you to assist in repatriating the money left behind by my client before it will get confiscated, I and my late client have successful move the fund to a safe place very close to you here in Europe before his sudden death through a diplomatic means by the help of a United Nation approved diplomat.
I seek your consent to present you as the legal recipient of the fund on behalf of my late client since he confide in me not to disclose any of this information to his family member. The money in question is the sum of US$65Million and it will be paid to you in cash, The funds will be split 50% both ways (for you and I) after removing 10% of the total sum for welfare homes base on the plan that my late client has in mind, if you accept to assist in this transaction, I have all necessary legal documents that can be used to back up any claim we may make. All I require from you is your honest cooperation to enable us seeing this deal through. I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law in every part of the world. My intention is to invest my own share of the money in your country base on your advice.
Please if you are genuinely interested in the transaction, you are here by required to send me your full name, Residential or Company address, Private Telephone, Mobile and Fax numbers where you can always be reach so that I can proceed in getting the Release Order document/consignment PIN Code in your name, which will enable the diplomat release the consignment where the total sum is to you in cash as the legal recipient.
I await your response urgently since we don't have much time left.
Thanks and God bless you.
Barr. P.O Williams.