Dear Sir,
Re: I Requesting your Emergency Assistance in Transfer of US$35,000,000.00 (Thirty Five million United States dollars)
I work with a security and finance outfit. I got your contact during my search for a Reliable,Strong Minded and a Trustworthy Person to entrust this huge transfer claim
project. I am a Ghanaian married with two kids, although I am not comfortable to send this proposal to you because of increase in scam and fraud globally especially in Africa, but be assured that this is NO scam.
I know you may have heard the headlines of international medias/news concerning the death of Libya leader, Col.Muammar Gaddafi who died in the hands of his countrymen on Thursday 20th
October 2011 due to the political crises. I have contacted you toparticipate in this deal to stand claim of this huge fund deposited withmy Financial Institution by the Ex-Libyan leader Col. Muammar Gaddafi.
He made this huge fund deposit of US$35,000,000.00 (Thirty Five million
United States dollars) with my Financial Institution when he visited my
country Ghana in 2007 during the 9th African Union (AU) Summit held in Accra, Ghana on the 25th June – 6th July 2007.
Hemade this deposit secretly through his son and only confided in me as the Foreign Relations Affair Manager and warned me that no body should know about the fund deposit. The deposit has no beneficiary or next of kin. Col. Muammar Gaddafi did not declare any next of kin in his official papers including the paper work of his fund deposit, and my investigation so far proved to me as well that my financial institution does not know anything about the fund depositor’s beneficiary.
This is where you play a part in this fund claim process you can read more
about the Col. Muammar Gaddafi’s death on the links below; html
Now that the depositor Col. Muammar Gaddafi is dead and there is no beneficiary or next of kin indicated in his official papers, as well his country will definitel confiscate all his known access and my Financial Institution will also confiscate his fund if no immediate beneficiary claim is made, this is why I have summoned up courage to contact you so you can file in claim as the beneficiary while i back you up with my immunity powers to facilitate the fund released to you as soon as possible. I intend to part 40% of this total fund to you while 50% for me and 10% be put aside for any incurred expenses during this claim process. Should you be capable to handle this deal and to work with me, I will appreciate your timely
response for more information. For security reasons, send your
response to this email.
With warm regards,
Johnson Smith