From: "Mrs. Aysah Mahjoob" <>
Date: Wed, 01 Feb 2012 21:57:32 -0800
Subject: URGENT: Can you assist me?
It=2019s with a very desperate need for assistance that I have summed up c=
ourage to contact you. I am Mrs. Aysah Mahjoob from Iraq and I am seeking y=
our assistance to evacuate the sum of $15 Million US Dollars to your countr=
y for safe keeping and investment. This money is not from illegal source, n=
o one is aware of this money and there is no danger involved.
When the allied forces invaded Iraq in 2003 to ouster President Sadam Huss=
ein, my husband worked for the US Army as an interpreter & US Army patrol g=
uide in Iraq. During one of the patrols conducted by the US Army, some mone=
y in various currencies was discovered concealed in barrels with piles of w=
eapons and ammunitions at a location near one of Saddam Hussein old palaces.
The sum of $15 Million US dollars was taken out from the discovery and it =
was agreed by all party present that the money be kept in custody of my hus=
band for safe keeping since the army officers in the patrol involved where =
still in service, and to conceal this kind of money became a problem for us=
. With the help of a British contact working in Basra - Iraq whose office e=
njoys diplomatic immunity; my husband was able to get the package transferr=
ed out of Iraq into a vault abroad and made the deposit under my name as be=
Unfortunately, my husband and my only son where killed when a suicide bomb=
er attacked our home due to my husband involvement with the US Army. I surv=
ived with injuries and I am currently in hiding. I have tried to locate the=
US Army officers involved with my husband but unfortunately all officers w=
here killed by a roadside bomb on their military vehicle during routine pat=
rol in Baghdad.
As it stands currently, I am the sole beneficiary of this huge deposit $15=
Million US dollars and this has prompted me to reach out for help because =
I want to relocate abroad. Now that the war in Iraq is over, I have contact=
ed the agent officer to the vault holding the deposit and I have being aske=
d to come forward to take delivery of the said deposit.
Unfortunately, I do not have the finance required to travel abroad to file=
the necessary documentation to collect the $15 Million US Dollars from the=
vault. I need your partnership so I can introduce you as my representative=
to the Agent officer to the vault so you can travel down to meet with the =
Agent officer and finalize the release of the deposit then you will transfe=
r the $15 Million US Dollars into a bank account under your name and therea=
fter, help me relocate to your country where I intend to settle and start a=
new life.
In addition, you will help me with Investment & Management of the $15 Mill=
ion US Dollars since I do not have any idea about doing business in your co=
untry. Be rest assured that this transaction is risk free as no person is a=
ware of the location of this money. You will be adequately compensated for =
your help. =
Expecting your urgent reply.
Mrs. Aysah Mahjoob.