Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2012 02:17:34 -0800 (GMT-08:00)
Attention My Dear Friend ,
The Federal Government of Nigeria through provisions in Section 419 of the Criminal Code came up with punitive measures to deter and punish offenders.The Advance Fee Fraud section deal mainly with cases of advance fee fraud(commonly called 419) such as obtaining by false pretence through different fraudulent schemes e.g. contract scam, credit card scam,check scam,inheritance scam, job scam, loan scam, lottery scam, “wash wash” scam (money washing scam), marriage scam. Immigration scam, counterfeiting and religious scam.
It also investigates cyber crime cases.This is to officially announce to you that some scam Syndicates were apprehended in Lagos, Nigeria few days ago and after several interrogations and tortures your details were among those mentioned by some of the scam Syndicates as one of the victims of their operations.
After proper investigations and research at Western Union Money Transfer and Money Gram office to know if you have truly sent money to the scam Syndicates through Western Union Money Transfer or Money Gram, your name was found in Western Union Money Transfer database amongst those that have sent money through Western Union Money Transfer to Nigeria and this proves that you have truly been swindled by those unscrupulous persons by sending money to them in the course of getting one fund or the other that is not real, right now we are working hand in hand with Western Union and Interpol to track every fraudsters down, do not respond to their e-mails, letters and phone calls any longer they are scammers and you should be very careful to avoid being swindle once more.
In this regard a meeting was held between the Board of Directors of The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) and as a consequence of our investigations it was agreed that the sum of Four hundred thousand US Dollars (US$400,000) should be transferred to you out of the funds that Federal Government of Nigeria has set aside as a compensation to everyone who have by one way or the other sent money to fraudsters in Nigeria.
We have deposited your fund at Western Union Money Transfer agent location EMS Post office Lagos, Nigeria. We have submitted your details to them so that your fund can be transferred to you.
Contact the Western Union agent office through the email address and also thier customer help line stated below to inform them about this notification letter and the transfer of your fund.
Takenote; all the arrangement for them to transfering the fund to you has conluded and you will send them only us$175.00 for the activation of the fund and it is the only money you will spend for them to transfered all the total sum of us$400,000.00 to you.
Director : Zack Togoson Email: customer help line: +234-306-325-39
Yours sincerely, Sarah White (Miss) Assistant Investigation Officer. The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) 15A Awolowo Road, Ikoyi, Lagos.Nigeria Email Address:
************************************************************************************************************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************************************************************************* Please note that some fraudsters are claiming to be Directors or staff of The Ecomomic and Financial Crimes Commission have recently been sending phone e-mails/letters and also calling unsuspecting persons, with intent to defraud them. It is important to note that these fraudsters are criminals engaged in Advanced Fee Fraud known in Nigeria as 419. Every day, people throughout the world are falling victim to scams of one kind or another. But remember - if it sounds too good to be true, it is probably a scam. In the circumstance, we unreservedly advice you to dissociate yourselve from all correspondence and transactions entered into based on evidently fraudulent and fictitious claims. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************************************************************************* "This e-Mail may contain proprietary and confidential information and is sent for the intended recipient(s) only. If, by an addressing or transmission error, this mail has been misdirected to you, you are requested to delete this mail immediately. You are also hereby notified that any use, any form of reproduction, dissemination, copying, disclosure, modification, distribution and/or publication of this e-mail message, contents or its attachment(s), other than by its intendedrecipient(s), is strictly prohibited. Any opinions expressed in this email are those of the individual and not necessarily of the organization. Before opening attachment(s), please scan for viruses." All business handled under Standard Trading Conditions. Copy available on request .
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