From: "Dr.Jayson Ahern" <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2012 17:00:35 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Attention--Attention--Attention,
From: Dr. Jayson Ahern
This is to acknowledge the receipt of your affirmation and to inform you of the latest development as regards the delivery of your consignment package by the Diplomat Hilary Kalu.
While scanning the package,our cashtrac machine detected that the content of the package the Diplomat is delivering to you is cash worth the sum of USD $3.500,000.
It is a crime to bring in money (over US$10,000) into the United States of America without proper documentations and clearance because it shows that the money is either being smuggled into the country or the source of the funds is questionable.
It is very important that all the relevant documentations needed to authenticate the source of the funds are provided to prove that the funds were earned legitimately in accordance with the PATRIOT ACT so that the FBI,IRS and Homeland Security will not come knocking at your door.
In lieu of the above,It is therefore mandatory that you provide the Origin of Funds Certificate (O.O.F) to prove that the funds have no links with any form of illegality.
Being the beneficiary of the package,the Origin of Funds Certificate(O.O.F) is the only way of confirming the source of the funds and it is your responsibility to provide the Certificate before the Diplomat will be allowed to complete the delivery To You Tomorrow.
The Diplomat's Flight Details shows that he came from Benin Republic and we have contacted the relevant Authorities in that country to enquire about the process of getting the Certificate.
We were informed that the beneficiary of the package will pay for the Certificate and the cost of this documentaion $97 Dollars, You have to pay this fee directly to them via Western Union Money Transfer Or Money Gram in the name stated below:
Receiver Name: Mr. Onyebuchi Obinna
Address: Benin Republic
City; Cotonou
Amount : $97
Question & Answer, What For, My Belonging
After paying the Fee,send the following payment information
1. Sender's Name and Address
2. MTCN Number
3. Text Question & Answer
Upon the receipt of the payment information,the Certificate will be made out in your name by the Cotonou Republique Du Benin Authority, scanned and send immediately via email to us so that the Diplomat will be allowed to complete the delivery of your package to you tomorrow.
Failure to pay for this documentation is a confirmation that you wanted to smuggle the funds into the country which is a federal offence and a gross violation of the Patriot Act.
It is therefore in your best interest that you pay for the Certificate as instructed immediately as the consequences of refusing is very severe.
Yours Faithfully,
Jayson Ahern