From: "mr lam williams" <mrlam-williams@LIVE.FR>
Reply-To: "mr lam williams" <mrlam-william@LIVE.FR>
Date: Thu, 05 Jan 2012 22:39:55 -0700
Subject: Hello
My name is Mr Lam williams a banker and manager of Audit & Accounts department in our bank. I used to be a personal account manager to late Mr Gary Rios Cabrera, our bank customer who was involved in the ill fated Kenya Airways crash in Africa. As his account officer, hearing the report of his death, I made many inquiries to trace the extended family relatives to come forward to claim their inheritance but my efforts were aborted. It was during one of my research I came across your email address and now decided to appoint you as the next of kin in order to claim the deposit with our bank which is at a summary of US$8.2 million.
I am giving you this vital and who was involved in the ill fated Kenya Airways crash in African order to make the deal with you and get the money into your bank as the recipient and beneficiary since you a foreigner giving you an advantage on coming into th is mat ter. If you are ready to cooperate with me to get this fund, you will email me back with the necessary particulars below. Your full Name, Age, Sex & Marital Status, Address with contact telephone and fax numbers. to enable me introduce you to the bank as the new beneficiary/ recipient of the funds.
Thanking you for your anticipated co-operation. Sincerely, Mr Lam williams