From: "Napisah binti othman," <>
Reply-To: "Napisah binti othman," <>
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2011 18:47:36 +0200 (SAST)
Subject: Hello, I Will Like To Introduce You To This Selenite Solute
Salam Dear,
I'm Napisah binti othman,i work as Marketing Officer with a Gemstones Processing Company in London. i will like to introduce you to this business opportunity. i need your urgent assistance, which will be a benefit to both of us financially. i am contacting you because i don't want to lose this contract provided by our company because we both going to get a good profit from this business in the coming future. That's why i am requesting you to be the supplier to our company so that we can both take advantage of this business opportunity in the company now.
Currently our company needs a three(3)years constant supplier of a product called (SELENITE SOLUTE) which is a new scientific chemical fluid substance, its of lubricant, mainly used in the gemological laboratory for the purification of diamonds clarity treatment, generally what this fluid does is to penetrate deep into diamond and vaporizes out black inclusions in Diamonds and other precious stones.
The original l supplier of these product is in (Malaysia) and former supplier of this product to our company has finished his contract and our company is looking for any other person who can be able to supply the
(Selenite solute) in large quantity so that to meet the demand of our consumers and merge into partnership with the company presently. The main reason why i am writing you seeking your interest for assistance, i just want you to act as an intermediary agent to stand the gap between the (sellers of the product in Malaysia and the buyers) (our company). this is a big business, which will be of good dividends to both of us. i only need your cooperation to make this business successful.
I will give you more information about this if you are willing to stand as the agent to supply my company the product. Firstly, i will like to secure a supply contract deal for you as a supplier to the company where i work. Based on percentage, originally the actual purchasing price of this chemical by the company per carton is about USD4,000.00 if i convert it to US dollars while in Malaysia the local selling price is USD2,100.00 and our company needs not less than 200 cartons. The reason why i want you to be our agent is to be the link connecting the local seller in Malaysia directly to the buying company then the profit margin will be shared by both of us 60% to you while 40% to me. Your major assistance for me is just for you to talk to our company director that you can supply the company the product and to also go in details in terms of price and mode of payment then we can pick up from that point.
Please get back to me as soon as you receive my email if you are interested and willing to do business with me so that i can give you the local seller's contact in Malaysia so that you can contact her to ask if she has this product in stock to supply to you, Before our company sends the purchasing manager down to Malaysia to purchase the product from you directly. Thanks for your co-operation. Am waiting to hear from you soon.