From: "NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER." (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Thu, 8 Dec 2011 11:37:27 -0800
I wish to inform you that i have yesterday Wednesday 7th December 2011 taken delivery your uploaded ATM Master Card by our Account Holders (HSBC BANK)in London as instructed to them by President Good Luck Jonathan,now in my capacity as the National Security Adviser to Mr.President Federal Republic of Nigeria i have been directed by His Excellency to make an urgent delivery of your ATM Master Card worth the sum of US$3Million only as uploaded by HSBC Bank in London without further delays to your address in your country which you have to reconfirm to me immediately you receive this mail today for onward delivery to your address through UPS Courier Company as we have signed an urgent agreement with them to make the delivery to you at a very lesser cost instead of the normal delivery cost they use to charge.
Prior to the above note that you don't need to pay any money for the procurement of the Pin Code Password again as HSBC Bank did not charge a cent for it,now your Four Digits Security Pin Code Password is as thus:5650,that is what you will use to make withdrawals from your Master Card upon your receipt of it from UPS Courier service,also be advised that as the National Security Adviser i have procured all the necessary backup Clearance Documents free of charge hence you will not pay anything for that again,once more Mr.President has instructed the Nicon Insurance Company to issue your Insurance Clearance Certificate Premium and they have done that already which all will be included in your parcel during delivery of your ATM GOLD MASTER CARD to you,this attached documents will make it impossible fro any agency or organizations to seize your parcel as they use to do in the past,you have Mr.President to than for all this gesture all geared to renew the dented image of this count
ry as instructed during Mr.Presid
Finally as a matter of urgency all you need to do immediately you receive this mail today is to send the slash UPS Courier fees of US$110 ONLY (One Hundred And Ten Dollars) which was based on our agreement with them based on subsidy level and to make it very easy and quick for you to send so that i the National Security Adviser (NSA) will make your shipment,note that we did recalled your expired ATM GOLD MASTER CARD from our Embassy in New York since early last month and that is why we directed the HSBC Bank to issue you this new brand one now,so you are requested to send the above UPS Courier fees immediately by western union money transfer with the below name of my Personal Secretary and send to me the western union mtcn numbers for confirmations tomorrow and same tomorrow i will make your delivery at NO EXTRA cost
Receivers Name: Bob Olisa.
Text Question:What For?
Answer: UPS.
Furnish my office with your mailing address for your Master Card and the US$110 Western union mtcn numbers immediately so that i will courier your Master Card to you,i will strongly advise you give me a call on the below telephone number any time for the western union details or if you have any questions to ask about your card,this is your CHRISTMAS Gift from Mr.President,please don't bother to call or send your address without attaching the western union numbers because will not attend to you hence this is an Emergency arrangement and no pleas will be tolerated by this office on any inability to send the above little UPS courier fees,BE WARNED.
Urgently waiting for your telephone calls as soon as you send the courier fees and most importantly reconfirm your address for the shipment to avoid wrong delivery,again take note of your Password and keep it coded for yourself only.
Gen.Bello Mohammed,Rtd.
National Security Adviser to Mr.President.