Dear Winner.
We are pleased to inform you of your prize release this month FACEBOOK Online Cash Splash Promo FACEBOOK drawing. This promo is based entirely on random selection of winners through our internet processing unit. Your name is attached to Ticket Number: (F465760054815), Reference Number: (B3771254006 / 58) which consequently won in this end of the year 2011 category "B".
A lump sum payment of US$1,000,000.00 (ONE MILLION UNITED STATES DOLLARS ONLY) has been approved in cash credit file number: (FB254, 345,609,865.) of the total cash prize shared among ten lucky winners in this Category “B”. All winners were selected through our region of the United Kingdom by our processing system of Internet voting unit from nine hundred thousand High schools,Universities and College of education across Canada, Australia, South America, United States, Asia, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Oceania as part of our international promotion program held annually in promoting FACEBOOK Network as the world's leading social networks.
Contact the Fiduciary/Claims Agent assigned to you for your prize claim via the following details below:
Fiduciary / Claims Agent: Douglas Goodluck
Telephone: +(44) 702-40-77535
NAME ......................................
DATE OF BIRTH ..................................
ADDRESS ........................................
SEX ............................................
NATIONALITY ....................................
OCCUPATION .....................................
TELEPHONE ......................................
EMAIL .........................................
(1) Diplomatic Delivery: That Is Cash Payment Funds Will Be Delivered To Your Address by A Government Accredited Diplomat.
(2) ATM Card Payment: An ATM Card Will Be Charged With This Amount with Limited Withdrawals per Day.
(3) Online Telegraphic Transfer KTT
You are required to get back to your Fiduciary/Claims agent via the email above with your decision over a Chosen mode of payment and the payment application and he will take it from there.
For security reasons, we recommend all winners to keep this information confidential from the public until your claim is processed and your prize delivered to you. This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming and unwarranted taking advantage of this program. Note, all winnings must be claimed on or before 30th December, 2011; otherwise all funds will be returned as unclaimed.
Thank you for your FACEBOOK network registration
FACEBOOK Global Inc. # 38849