From: Promotion Results <>
Date: Wed, 09 Nov 2011 04:06:08 +0700
Subject: Winnings
Vodafone Corporation.
Baird House, The Connection,
RG14 2FN Newbury
West Berkshire
United Kingdom
Registered in England and Wales No. 3821204
The Vodafone Corporation was founded as the result of a merger of
entities, Vodafone Corporation founded by William Green, and
communication network, founded by David F. peterson.
We are pleased to inform you of the result of the just concluded 2011
draws of Vodafone 30th Anniversary promo.Vodafone world draws was
conducted on-line by an automated random computer ballot search from
the Internet. No tickets were sold.
This program is organized by the Vodafone Telecommunication Company,
endorsed by the European Promo guild in conjunction with NGO
organizations in Switzerland.
Vodafone 30th Anniverssary Promo was conducted from an exclusive list
of e-mail addresses of individual and corporate bodies. The selection
process was carried out through random selection in our computerized
email selection machine from a database of over 4,500,000 email
addresses drawn from all the continents of the world. Emails were
provided by the entire register domain.
After this automated online poll, your e-mail address attached to
bonus ball number (29) drew the lucky numbers (1) (23) (40) (64) (0)
(11) (62) and winning Serial Number (09)-(01)-(11)which consequently
emerged you as one of first ten (10) lucky winners in the United
Kingdom Bulletin.
You have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay off of
£1,000,000.00(One Million British Pounds) in cash credited to File
This is from a total cash prize of £20 Million British Pounds to be
shared amongst the Twenty (20) lucky winners as promo program to mark
The Vodafone Company 30 year?s anniversary.
To claim your prize funds, you are to send the necessary information
for fund claiming are to be send to our helpline below: Name------
Country---- --Address--- --Occupation--- --Lucky number---
Ball number-------Serial Number -------
Helpline Service
Mr. William .G. Hebert
Information and Payment Bureau:
London Representative Office.
Help Service Contact
Tel: +44(0) 703-189-2865
Tel: +44 (0) 702-408-5616
Tel: +44 (0) 703-596-0866
Fax: +44 (0) 701-974-4065
Congratulation on behalf of members and staff of this board thank you.
Mrs. Grace Leena
Promotions Manager
Vodafone Anniversary
Promo Board Office