From: Mrs Alice Corinna <>
Date: Thu, 3 Nov 2011 23:32:34 +0800 (SGT)
Subject: Hello
Our Ref: UN/WB/NT/FBI/XX011
This is the Second and Final notice from the United Nations Compensation Unit. You have been contacted some month ago about your funds. This was a compensation agreed upon by the United Nations for scammed Victims, and you were chosen according to the records, you are yet to get your funds that have been returned to the United Nations Treasury Department.
As you have already been informed, this compensation is given out randomly to world wide individuals, for their personal business development and enhancement of their educational plans. The objective is to make a notable change in the standard of living of people all around the Universe (From America to Europe, Asia to Africa and all around), probably like in the next 20yrs.
This is organized by the United Nations to help the Poor and other Charity organizations around the World as a means of Alleviating Poverty. For that reason we are not giving you this donation only for your welfare but also to help Charity Organizations and poor people in your Country as a means of Alleviating Poverty.
Right now, as directed by our Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki-moon, we are working in collaborations with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and we have decided to waive away all your clearance fees/charges and authorize the Government of Nigeria to effect the payment of your compensation of an amount of $1.800.000.00 One Million eight hundred thousand Dollars approved by both the British Government and the United Nations. The only fee you will pay to receive your fund is the Notarization fee to the United Nation which is $285.00 (Two hundred and eight five dollars only).
However, as I’m your notary Agent you are a lucky person because I have just discovered that some top United State of America and British Government officials are interested in your fund and they are working in Collaboration/CODES with one Mr. Richard Graves from London to frustrate you and thereafter divert your fund into their personal bank account.
Lastly, I have a very limited time to stay here Nigeria so I would like you to urgently respond to this message so that I can advise you on how best to receive your fund within the next 24hrs. Note that this exercise will take only a maximum of 5 working days more depending on your level of co-operation with this Agency.
Sincerely yours,
Mrs. Alice Patricia O. Corinna
UN Legal Payment Agent
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